Monday, December 26, 2011


I have had the most wonderful Christmas. Leading up, I scrambled to finish everything (didn't we all?) and then anxiously waited to give gifts, and spend time with friends and family. It was lovely, exhausting, smile-until-your-face-hurts goodness. I never want to go back to work.

But that's not the point. The point is that I've been putting off "joining the blog world" for a few months now. I made a site, designed it to the best of my new-to-HTML ability, and then...disappeared. No good!

This Christmas, my incredibly generous boyfriend, both of my incredibly generous families, and my awesome friends spoiled me with things I love. I have cookbooks, photo editing software for my often-neglected DSLR, and books both print and electronic (among other--absolutely incredible--things). So I'm going to get a jump on this.

This is not my New Year's resolution, because those always get broken, don't they? I don't want that to happen. I have oodles of things to learn this year with my new "toys" and I am so excited to have an outlet to record it all. I want to keep the motivation and excitement going! Photos, recipes, reads, projects. Here I come!